19. November 2024

PROs around the Globe | Pioneer in EPR – The Green Dot: Lessons Learned in 30 years of Operation as PRO in Germany

The Global Action Partnership for Extended Producer Responsibility, in cooperation with the GreenTechKnowledgeHub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection, invites you to join the fourth session of our online webinar series “PROs around the Globe”!

Pioneer in EPR – The Green Dot: Lessons Learned in 30 years of Operation as PRO in Germany

November 19, 12:15PM CET

Virtual event | Online

Download the presentation here

Watch the recording here


Ursula Denison represented and introduced the PRO Green Dot (Der Grüne Punkt) from Germany. “Der Grüne Punkt” was founded in 1990 as the first system to implement the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging in Germany. As the first system of its kind worldwide, it has been providing nationwide collection of used sales packages and obtains raw materials for the closed-cycle economy. Today Der Grüne Punkt does not only offer compliance service to producers, but is also active in consulting on packaging recyclability, international compliance and use of recyclates in packaging. It also has invested in infrastructure – a highly automated sorting plant for light weight packaging as well as two plastic recycling plants for PP and LDPE from household collection.

Intrigued? Watch the recording through the link below!


PROs around the Globe Webinar Series

🌱 Between the October 30 and December 11, 2024, the GAP for EPR and EXI GreenTechKnowledgeHub of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection are hosting seven sessions of our webinar series “PROs around the Globe”! Each session features a different organisation, presenting their structures, challenges, and Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) set-up. Find the full list of all webinars below.


The views and opinions expressed in this webinar do not reflect the positions of the core partners of GAP for EPR, nor of PREVENT Waste Alliance members or official policy positions of the international organisations and governments involved.