EPR Community

We believe that cooperation lies at the heart of innovation. More and more countries are putting EPR on their agendas and an increasing number of organisations are focusing on developing implementation measures. Together, we can coordinate our efforts, share knowledge, and be at the forefront of innovative EPR design.

Be part of the global conversation on EPR!

Our EPR community boasts a vibrant network of diverse perspectives, collectively shaping the international EPR discourse. For the public, we offer insightful webinars and discussions on pressing topics of EPR development and implementation. Members of the PREVENT Waste Alliance can also join our closed community space and connect with other EPR experts at insightful workshops, matchmaking sessions, and our internal member platform PREVENT Hub. Through our strong network and broad variety of expertise, we provide a safe space to discuss fundamental EPR concepts, as well as to pilot and scale innovative EPR approaches.

Already a PREVENT Waste Alliance member?
Send an e-mail to contact[at]gap-epr.prevent-waste.net to join the EPR community

Not a PREVENT Waste Alliance member?
Join the mailing list to get updates about public events of the EPR community

Our focus topics

  • Peer learning, through an active EPR community

  • Innovating EPR implementation and research

  • Shaping the international discourse


Hear directly from our community and find out how joining the Global Action Partnership for EPR has enriched their EPR Journey.

„I am glad we found the GAP for EPR through the PREVENT Waste Alliance who readily helped connect us with several EPR experts. Thanks to their support, we successfully organized the event of 'Thai-EU Experts' Exchange on Circular Economy and the EPR in Packaging' in Bangkok, Thailand.“

Jinjuta Manotham, Economic Counsellor for the Royal Thai Embassy in Belgium

Jinjuta Manotham
Royal Embassy in Belgium / Mission of Thailand to the European Union
Counsellor (Economic)

„We are very grateful to PREVENT as host of the GAP for EPR as they helped us with very technical issues related to the implementation of a Packaging EPR. They activated a network of international experts and within an hour, we had a rich exchange where we left with possible solutions to the problems raised.“

Luz Ledesma Clavell, Circular Economy Project Manager in the Undersecretariat of Urban Hygiene of the City of Buenos Aires

Luz Ledesma Clavell
Circular Economy Project Manager
Recycling and CE Department
Undersecretariat of Urban Hygiene of the City of Buenos Aires

“The technical expertise provided by GAP for EPR through the PREVENT Waste Alliance was key for MAREA to further develop our internal capabilities and knowledge base, including with our stakeholders. Their technical experience and lessons learnt from other jurisdictions helped us create an action plan with workable solutions and shed light on how best to approach the development and operations for EPR collection at a nascent stage.”

Roberto Benetello, Chief Executive Officer, Malaysian Recycling Alliance (MAREA)

Community Leads & Contacts

Julia Gawlik

Reclay Holding GmbH


+49 221 580098-2827

Angelina Schreiner

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


+49 6196 79-7534

Baptiste Roubaud



+ 33 (0) 6 28 20 62 07

Ursula Denison

Der Grüne Punkt


+49 172-954 7635