The Global Action Partnership for EPR, GIZ, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the PREVENT Waste Alliance, OECD, the UNEP and WWF collaborated to produce a new policy paper. The paper provides a digestible overview of EPR, its impact and potential applications. It underscores common principles that have been linked with successful EPR schemes and lays out structured guidance for their policy design and implementation.
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When navigating the complexities of EPR, finding valuable resources can be a challenge. As a solution, we offer a comprehensive library of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR. Resources are available in multiple languages and formats and address different regions. To ensure that the library remains updated with the latest insights on EPR, we also welcome submissions through the form below! Every submission undergoes a thorough screening process before being added to the collection.
The views and opinions of the listed publications do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Global Action Partnership for EPR or official policy positions of the governments involved.

The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
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Plastic pollution is a global problem that requires a comprehensive approach to address all stages of the plastic life cycle. It has reached alarming levels worldwide, with millions of tonnes of plastic entering the oceans each year. The case study highlights the initial EPR initiatives in the Philippines and provides insights into the economic, environmental, and social aspects of EPR implementation.
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This updated review of the guidelines looks at some of the new design and implementation challenges and opportunities of EPR policies, takes into account recent efforts undertaken by governments to better assess the cost and environmental effectiveness of EPR and its overall impact on the market, and addresses some of the specific issues in emerging market economies.
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Malaysia generates 14 million tonnes of waste annually, with 43.7% being recyclables. Much waste still goes to landfills. To tackle plastic pollution, Malaysia is considering an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme. Producers would pay fees for their packaging, used to enhance recycling and encourage recyclable designs. This report recommends a dedicated EPR regulation with a single, industry-led Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). The timeline suggests a three-year plan to formulate the regulation, involving stakeholders, and a five-year implementation, starting with Act 672 states and later extending to non-Act 672 States.
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This report is to summarize the key findings from the first pilot project conducted from January to July 2024 under the GAP for EPR helpdesk. Through consultancy service, the pilot successfully supported two potential Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs), i.e., Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje (CEMPRE) Argentina and the Malaysian Recycling Alliance (MAREA), in assessing the status of EPR in their respective countries, identifying the well-suited PRO models, and providing technical advice on PRO operation.
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La responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP) est une approche politique qui rend les producteurs responsables de leurs produits tout au long de leur cycle de vie, y compris au stade de la post-consommation. Ce document politique résume le consensus actuel sur l'approche politique de la REP.
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Textiles generate environmental impacts throughout the product lifecycle, including greenhouse gas emissions, water use and waste generation. Governments are considering policies to enable circular economy principles for garments. This paper explores the use of these schemes across countries and their impact on waste generation and management. It offers considerations for policymakers as to how extended producer responsibility initiatives can be implemented within a broader policy mix.
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This status report summarises the proliferation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems for the textiles waste stream.
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A guide summarising proposed reforms to the United Kingdom and the European Union Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems, including a summary of divergencies between the UK and EU WEEE EPR systems.
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This study explores the potential of EPR schemes to reduce plastic pollution in SIDS. The main part of the analysis outlines core elements and complementary measures of EPR schemes and, where possible and necessary, derives implications for an appropriate design of EPR schemes in SIDS.
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This paper reviews the estimate of the packaging cost component of US expenditure on food (a subset of the consumer packaged goods sector), as computed by the USDA based on economic input-output analysis. It uses this estimate as a foundation, combined with food price elasticities and the analysis of expected burden-sharing between suppliers and consumers of the increase in packaging costs due to EPR requirements to construct an orders-of-magnitude estimate of the maximum increase in grocery bills that an average US consumer should expect as a result of a nationwide adoption of EPR regulation.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
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This course will introduce you to the concept and key elements of EPR schemes. Beyond that, it is a practical guide for the introduction of EPR, particularly in developing countries.
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This document is intended for those within waste picker organizations, civil society, government or the private sector interested in or working on EPR policies. This document is meant to help fill gaps in EPR analysis to better address the question of waste picker integration into EPR, and spark deeper debate on the subject, as well as to inform the design of EPR systems that are more equitable, just and inclusive. To achieve this, the paper identifies potential benefits, challenges and enabling conditions for waste pickers’ inclusion in EPR schemes, based on an analysis of existing mandatory and voluntary systems, and legislation.
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This report critically assesses how EPR affects marine plastic (packaging) litter generation and how EPR schemes can be adapted to increase their respective mitigation effect in the future. To provide such insights, this study highlights the role of EPR within the broader waste management structures and policies in which EPR is embedded, as well as its unique characteristics, and examines what factors impact marine plastic litter.
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For the first time, more than 150 leading businesses and other organisations from across the packaging value chain, publicly recognise that without EPR, packaging collection and recycling is unlikely to be meaningfully scaled and tens of millions of tonnes of packaging will continue to end up in the environment every year.
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The publication "Prospects for Transitioning from a Linear to Circular Economy in Developing Asia" features a chapter about EPR implementation in Asia. The paper overviews circular economy principles and provides policy recommendations to promote the transition to circularity. In chapter 6, it focuses on plastic packaging in emerging economies of Asia due to increasing concerns related to plastic pollution.
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This paper presents a discussion of relatively novel applications of EPR to additional product groups (plastic products beyond packaging, textiles, construction materials, and food waste) and to environmental impacts (design considerations, pollution and littering) that occur throughout the product lifecycle. Based on select case studies, it evaluates the successes and challenges that early adopters of applying the EPR approach to new product groups or additional environmental impact categories have experienced. It reviews the arguments for further application of EPR, possible limitations and provides guidance on when and how to best apply an EPR.
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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a key concept for ‘closing the loop’ in the packaging value chain, in line with circular economy principles. It is based on the principle that whoever introduces packaging or packaged goods into a country’s market remains responsible for it until the end of the packaging life cycle, including after disposal. The EPR Policy Brief is a framework document for decision-makers to address the key principles and share international experiences on EPR mechanisms and legal frameworks.
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To help governments, the private sector and civil society stakeholders to develop effective EPR schemes, WWF has developed this set of basic principles for designing and implementing effective EPR frameworks. These principles will serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to ensure that current EPR schemes are on the right track towards a circular economy and provide guidance for future policy designs.
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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a key concept for ‘closing the loop’ in the packaging value chain, in line with circular economy principles. It is based on the principle that whoever introduces packaging or packaged goods into a country’s market remains responsible for it until the end of the packaging life cycle, including after disposal. The EPR Policy Brief is a framework document for decision-makers to address the key principles and share international experiences on EPR mechanisms and legal frameworks.
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Based on select case studies, this report evaluates the successes and challenges that early adopters of applying the EPR approach to new product groups or additional environmental impact categories have experienced. It reviews the arguments for further application of EPR, possible limitations and provides guidance on when and how to best apply an EPR.
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Based on primary, secondary, and grey literature, this article characterizes challenges faced by eco-modulation if it is to restore the incentives for eco-design. These include weak linkages to environmental outcomes, fees too low to induce changes in materials or design, lack of adequate data and ex post policy evaluation, and implementation that differs across jurisdictions.
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In "Rewarding Recycling: Learnings from the World's Highest-Performing Deposit Return Systems", TOMRA discusses: What effective deposit return systems deliver, the four key principles and twelve element high-performing deposit return systems share, and dozens of case studies on real-world implementation of deposit return policy.
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EPR is a transformative policy principle that can ensure the full circularity of packaging materials, and in our new white paper, EPR Unpacked: A Policy Framework for a Circular Economy, we explore the elements necessary to support its implementation, and much more. This paper also serves as a guide for policymakers designing or developing EPR schemes, offering a multi-dimensional perspective and practical insights to help achieve the best results.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
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The report proposes an innovative policy solution to address the impacts of products on climate change, pollution, biodiversity and social inequity – all of which are driven by overconsumption. This report builds on traditional extended producer responsibility (EPR) policy, which focuses on end-of-life waste management, to better incentivise producers to minimise material use and move towards a more circular economy.
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Extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging was introduced to achieve closed-loop end-of-life management and design for recyclability and is an integral part of the European Union's (EU) environmental policy mix. This article links previously isolated components of EPR and studies the design, implementation, and transfer of EPR systems in 25 European countries through a developmental approach. It extends EPR theory by systematizing EPR design features at three hierarchical levels: system scope, responsibility allocation, and instrument type.
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. In a dilemma between ecological perspectives on single-use plastic and the convenience that this type of plastic packaging offers, biobased and biodegradable plastic have been discussed as an alternative to fossil-based plastics for quite some time. Environmental benefits are often attributed to biobased and biodegradable plastic because “bio” is understood to mean “environmentally friendly”. This report assesses and analyses the substitution of conventional plastic with biodegradable or biobased plastic.
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Recycled plastics markets in India and Southeast Asia face multiple demand- and supply-linked bottlenecks along the value chain, including a lack of transparency in the pricing of plastic waste feedstock and recycled plastics. The report “Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam” and the accompanying Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool aim to address this issue. The resources available on this page focus on the domestic plastic recycling pricing dynamics in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam
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This report is based on a literature review of several LCA studies conducted to analyze the environmental impact of different packaging materials and alternatives, focusing on five packaging applications: shopping bags, beverage containers, beverage cups, take-away food packaging and meat packaging. This report is not based on own LCA modelling, but rather synthesizes the information and results generated in a number of LCA studies.
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The transition towards circular economy includes the rethinking of product design to include considerations for end-of-life treatment and recyclability. As a means to steer the behaviour at the end-of-life in an early stage of the product’s life, the design phase, various initiatives have developed design-for-recycling guidelines for specific polymers and plastic applications.
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the programme of ‘Collaborative Actions for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia’ (CAP SEA) intends to develop guidelines for design for recycling (D4R) for three selected groups of plastic packaging in Indonesia. The guidelines aim to enable relevant stakeholders to consider a recycled-friendly packaging design, starting with developing potential D4R criteria for three-priority packaging.
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Globally, packaging waste has increasingly become an environmental problem. The problem is the large volume, the high resource intensity in production, the low recycling and recovery rates and the extent of litter caused by packaging. But packaging is, of course, not meant to be a ‘waste’. In the first place, it has important functions and is very useful e.g. for product transport, storage and for consumer information. Primarily, packaging is made up of valuable resources and does not have to reach its end-of life after a single use.
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This country report focuses on the development of a legal framework for an EPR system for packaging in Chile.
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This report elaborates on the development from a voluntary to a mandatory EPR scheme for packaging in South Africa.
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This report presents the Republic of Korea’s EPR system for packaging as an Asian role model.
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This report describes how Germany’s EPR system for packaging waste went from a single PRO to multiple PROs with a register.
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This report contains a case study on the state-run ECO-LEF system for managing packaging waste in Tunisia.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
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The transition towards circular economy includes the optimisation of manufacturing processes in terms of decrease of primary resource consumption shares but increase of secondary raw material shares. This report presents an overview over some general aspects of recycling, the technical state of the art with respect to (1) recycled plastic content in products, (2) limiting factors, and (3) options for action to boost secondary plastic use in the production process.
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The report outlines how relevant plastic performance indicators can be developed and integrated into existing ESG analysis frameworks, taking the companies' position in the value chain, performance on current plastic action, and preparedness for transitioning into accont. It is the first time that a detailed guidance has been provided on how to integrate plastic into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related performance assessment of companies.
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This study starts with an overview of the current organization and performance of EPR schemes for plastic packaging in Norway, followed by details of the current legal framework for these EPR schemes. It continues with providing an overview of EPR schemes for plastic packaging in comparable countries to Norway, highlighting advantages and weaknesses of the different models. It then assesses the efficiency of the current legal framework for EPR for plastic packaging and identifies the barriers that hinder the transition to a true circular economy.
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This report intends to strengthen business readiness, both in the sense of EPR implementation and in the transition towards a more collaborative, fair, and impactful circular waste management system for all involved actors, by reviewing and assessing the current progress of EPR development and circular economy direction in Indonesia. This report also seeks to provide key insights into overcoming barriers encountered by producers and recommendations for identifying opportunities in the upstream and downstream business of establishing a mandatory EPR scheme.
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Cognisant of pollution as one of the planetary threats to human survival,the Kenyan government is awake to the detrimental impact pollution poses especially from single use plastics and packaging material.In this report, a rationale is drawn between the role of stakeholders in the enactment and implementation of the proposed extended producer responsibility regulations in Kenya.The report further suggests alignment and compliance to existing environmental laws and legal frameworks in Kenya taking into considerations the role of the informal sector at the downstream interventions for waste management.
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This research was undertaken to accelerate and support the transition to a circular plastics economy in South Africa by providing recommendations for a mandatory EPR policy for plastic packaging to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) who has the regulatory mandate in South Africa. While the DFFE-led EPR regulation process deals with packaging more broadly, this project focused specifically on plastic packaging.
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The study “Research and investigation on recycling situation and recommendation on measures to accelerate plastic waste recycling in Viet Nam“ was implemented in 2022 with the aim of supporting and promoting policy enforcement, knowledge sharing, and exchange of experiences on EPR. The research has indicated opportunities on current policy, domestic potential in consumption and recycling capacity, technology as well as corresponding challenges for plastic recycling in Viet Nam.
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In collaboration with WWF-Viet Nam, through the project "Mitigating marine plastic debris in Viet Nam" and to assist MONRE in development of the draft Decree, ISPONRE conducted a research on SMEs in the plastic industry about their readiness to comply with regulations on EPR. The study evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of SMEs that are manufacturing and importing, using packaging and recycling plastic in the country in the context of the soon-to-be-implemented EPR regulations.
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Viet Nam’s plastic consumption is growing by double-digit numbers annually (16% to 18% per year from 2010 to 2015). Despite tangible improvements, significant volumes of plastic remain uncollected and are burned openly or littered into the environment, damaging the terrestrial and marine environment. The report “Assessment of Extended Producer Responsibility for plastic packaging waste in Viet Nam" provides findings meant to inform policy makers and relevant stakeholders engaging in Viet Nam’s transition towards a more sustainable waste management.
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The interplay of a Deposit Refund Systems (DRS) and other mandatory EPR policy instruments can lead to synergies, as it can improve the quality and quantity of recycling, enable reuse systems and incentivise eco-design. This report identifies key insights that can guide the design and implementation of a DRS and its role in a broader policy mix including other mandatory EPR policies.
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Fee modulation, changing fees paid by producers in a collective EPR scheme based on product design, can provide producers with stronger design incentives, but adds complexity to the system. The paper defines a classification for fee modulation (by criteria and methodology) and discusses potential challenges and opportunities. It concludes with key policy insights that can further stimulate this emerging policy approach.
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Extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems aim to make producers responsible for the environmental impacts of their products throughout the product chain, from design to the end-of-life phase. This report focuses on free-riding of producers or retailers, which the fast expansion of online sales in recent years has been exacerbating. These sellers often have no physical, legal entity in the country where the consumer resides, and are not registered with national or local EPR schemes.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
read moreExtended Producer Responsibility: Basic Facts and Key Principles

Publisher: | GAP for EPR |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
The Global Action Partnership for EPR, GIZ, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the PREVENT Waste Alliance, OECD, the UNEP and WWF collaborated to produce a new policy paper. The paper provides a digestible overview of EPR, its impact and potential applications. It underscores common principles that have been linked with successful EPR schemes and lays out structured guidance for their policy design and implementation.
read moreEPR Toolbox

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
read moreEPR: A Study on the Role of Producer Responsibility Organisations

Publisher: | WWF Philippines |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | English |
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Plastic pollution is a global problem that requires a comprehensive approach to address all stages of the plastic life cycle. It has reached alarming levels worldwide, with millions of tonnes of plastic entering the oceans each year. The case study highlights the initial EPR initiatives in the Philippines and provides insights into the economic, environmental, and social aspects of EPR implementation.
read moreEPR: Updated Guidance for Efficient Waste Management

Publisher: | OECD |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2016 |
Language: | English, French |
Format: |
This updated review of the guidelines looks at some of the new design and implementation challenges and opportunities of EPR policies, takes into account recent efforts undertaken by governments to better assess the cost and environmental effectiveness of EPR and its overall impact on the market, and addresses some of the specific issues in emerging market economies.
read moreWWF Malaysia: EPR Policy Review Report

Publisher: | WWF Malaysia; SC, Sunway University: Professor Dr. Pariatamby, Agamuthu; Research Assistants: Bhatti, Mehran; Dr. Barasarathi, Jayanthi |
Region: | Malaysia |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
Malaysia generates 14 million tonnes of waste annually, with 43.7% being recyclables. Much waste still goes to landfills. To tackle plastic pollution, Malaysia is considering an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme. Producers would pay fees for their packaging, used to enhance recycling and encourage recyclable designs. This report recommends a dedicated EPR regulation with a single, industry-led Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). The timeline suggests a three-year plan to formulate the regulation, involving stakeholders, and a five-year implementation, starting with Act 672 states and later extending to non-Act 672 States.
read moreHelpdesk Report: Supporting EPR Development in Malaysia and Argentina: MAREA and CEMPRE Cases

Publisher: | GAP for EPR |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2025 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
This report is to summarize the key findings from the first pilot project conducted from January to July 2024 under the GAP for EPR helpdesk. Through consultancy service, the pilot successfully supported two potential Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs), i.e., Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje (CEMPRE) Argentina and the Malaysian Recycling Alliance (MAREA), in assessing the status of EPR in their respective countries, identifying the well-suited PRO models, and providing technical advice on PRO operation.
read moreLa responsabilité élargie des producteurs

Publisher: | OECD / GAP for EPR |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | French |
Format: | Website |
La responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP) est une approche politique qui rend les producteurs responsables de leurs produits tout au long de leur cycle de vie, y compris au stade de la post-consommation. Ce document politique résume le consensus actuel sur l'approche politique de la REP.
read moreExtended Producer Responsibility in the Garments Sector

Publisher: | OECD: Börkey, Peter; Brown, Andrew |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
Textiles generate environmental impacts throughout the product lifecycle, including greenhouse gas emissions, water use and waste generation. Governments are considering policies to enable circular economy principles for garments. This paper explores the use of these schemes across countries and their impact on waste generation and management. It offers considerations for policymakers as to how extended producer responsibility initiatives can be implemented within a broader policy mix.
read moreProliferation of Textiles EPR systems

Publisher: | WRAP: Girling, Jordan |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
This status report summarises the proliferation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems for the textiles waste stream.
read moreDivergencies between UK & EU WEEE EPR systems

Publisher: | WRAP: Girling, Jordan |
Region: | Europe |
Year: | 2024 |
Language: | English |
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A guide summarising proposed reforms to the United Kingdom and the European Union Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems, including a summary of divergencies between the UK and EU WEEE EPR systems.
read moreExtended Producer Responsibility schemes in Small Island Developing States

Publisher: | GIZ |
Region: | SIDS |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
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This study explores the potential of EPR schemes to reduce plastic pollution in SIDS. The main part of the analysis outlines core elements and complementary measures of EPR schemes and, where possible and necessary, derives implications for an appropriate design of EPR schemes in SIDS.
read moreEconomic impacts to consumers from EPR regulation in the consumer packaged goods sector

Publisher: | CU Academic Commons: Bose, Satyajit |
Region: | USA |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
This paper reviews the estimate of the packaging cost component of US expenditure on food (a subset of the consumer packaged goods sector), as computed by the USDA based on economic input-output analysis. It uses this estimate as a foundation, combined with food price elasticities and the analysis of expected burden-sharing between suppliers and consumers of the increase in packaging costs due to EPR requirements to construct an orders-of-magnitude estimate of the maximum increase in grocery bills that an average US consumer should expect as a result of a nationwide adoption of EPR regulation.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Montenegrin (Proširena odgovornost proizvođača (EPR) - Sažetak)

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | Montenegrin |
Format: |
The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
read moreMOOC Going Circular: The EPR Guide

Publisher: | WWF |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English, German |
Format: | Online Course |
This course will introduce you to the concept and key elements of EPR schemes. Beyond that, it is a practical guide for the introduction of EPR, particularly in developing countries.
read moreExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Waste Pickers

Publisher: | WIEGO: Chandran, Pinky |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
This document is intended for those within waste picker organizations, civil society, government or the private sector interested in or working on EPR policies. This document is meant to help fill gaps in EPR analysis to better address the question of waste picker integration into EPR, and spark deeper debate on the subject, as well as to inform the design of EPR systems that are more equitable, just and inclusive. To achieve this, the paper identifies potential benefits, challenges and enabling conditions for waste pickers’ inclusion in EPR schemes, based on an analysis of existing mandatory and voluntary systems, and legislation.
read moreAssessing the Role and Impact of EPR in the Prevention of Marine Plastic Packaging Litter

Publisher: | GIZ |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
This report critically assesses how EPR affects marine plastic (packaging) litter generation and how EPR schemes can be adapted to increase their respective mitigation effect in the future. To provide such insights, this study highlights the role of EPR within the broader waste management structures and policies in which EPR is embedded, as well as its unique characteristics, and examines what factors impact marine plastic litter.
read moreStatement and Position Paper: EPR - a Necessary Part of the Solution to Packaging Waste and Pollution

Publisher: | Ellen MacArthur Foundation |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
For the first time, more than 150 leading businesses and other organisations from across the packaging value chain, publicly recognise that without EPR, packaging collection and recycling is unlikely to be meaningfully scaled and tens of millions of tonnes of packaging will continue to end up in the environment every year.
read moreChapter 6 - Extended Producer Responsibility: Lessons for Realizing and Implementing a Circular Economy for Plastics in Asia

Publisher: | Asian Development Bank: Sachdeva, Anurodh |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
The publication "Prospects for Transitioning from a Linear to Circular Economy in Developing Asia" features a chapter about EPR implementation in Asia. The paper overviews circular economy principles and provides policy recommendations to promote the transition to circularity. In chapter 6, it focuses on plastic packaging in emerging economies of Asia due to increasing concerns related to plastic pollution.
read moreNew Aspects of EPR: EPR to Additional Product Groups and Challenges Throughout the Product Lifecycle

Publisher: | ENV Working Papers (OECD) |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
This paper presents a discussion of relatively novel applications of EPR to additional product groups (plastic products beyond packaging, textiles, construction materials, and food waste) and to environmental impacts (design considerations, pollution and littering) that occur throughout the product lifecycle. Based on select case studies, it evaluates the successes and challenges that early adopters of applying the EPR approach to new product groups or additional environmental impact categories have experienced. It reviews the arguments for further application of EPR, possible limitations and provides guidance on when and how to best apply an EPR.
read morePolicy Brief - EPR for Packaging Waste in Vietnam

Publisher: | Rethinking Plastics |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a key concept for ‘closing the loop’ in the packaging value chain, in line with circular economy principles. It is based on the principle that whoever introduces packaging or packaged goods into a country’s market remains responsible for it until the end of the packaging life cycle, including after disposal. The EPR Policy Brief is a framework document for decision-makers to address the key principles and share international experiences on EPR mechanisms and legal frameworks.
read more15 Basic Principles: Establishing an Effective EPR Scheme for Packaging

Publisher: | WWF |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
To help governments, the private sector and civil society stakeholders to develop effective EPR schemes, WWF has developed this set of basic principles for designing and implementing effective EPR frameworks. These principles will serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to ensure that current EPR schemes are on the right track towards a circular economy and provide guidance for future policy designs.
read morePolicy Brief - EPR for Packaging Waste in Vietnam [Vietnamese]

Publisher: | Rethinking Plastics |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | Vietnamese |
Format: |
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a key concept for ‘closing the loop’ in the packaging value chain, in line with circular economy principles. It is based on the principle that whoever introduces packaging or packaged goods into a country’s market remains responsible for it until the end of the packaging life cycle, including after disposal. The EPR Policy Brief is a framework document for decision-makers to address the key principles and share international experiences on EPR mechanisms and legal frameworks.
read moreNew Aspects of EPR: Extending Producer Responsibility to Additional Product Groups and Challenges Throughout the Product Lifecycle

Publisher: | OECD: Brown, Andrew; Laubinger, Frithjof; Börkey, Peter |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
Based on select case studies, this report evaluates the successes and challenges that early adopters of applying the EPR approach to new product groups or additional environmental impact categories have experienced. It reviews the arguments for further application of EPR, possible limitations and provides guidance on when and how to best apply an EPR.
read moreRestoring the Incentives for Eco-Design in Extended Producer Responsibility: The Challenges for Eco-Modulation

Publisher: | Lifset, Reid; Kalimo, Harri; Jukka, Antti; Kautto, Petrus; Miettinen, Mirella |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
Based on primary, secondary, and grey literature, this article characterizes challenges faced by eco-modulation if it is to restore the incentives for eco-design. These include weak linkages to environmental outcomes, fees too low to induce changes in materials or design, lack of adequate data and ex post policy evaluation, and implementation that differs across jurisdictions.
read moreRewarding Recycling: Learnings From the World's Highest-Performance Deposit Return Systems

Publisher: | TOMRA |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
In "Rewarding Recycling: Learnings from the World's Highest-Performing Deposit Return Systems", TOMRA discusses: What effective deposit return systems deliver, the four key principles and twelve element high-performing deposit return systems share, and dozens of case studies on real-world implementation of deposit return policy.
read moreEPR Unpacked: A Policy Framework for a Circular Economy

Publisher: | TOMRA |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: |
EPR is a transformative policy principle that can ensure the full circularity of packaging materials, and in our new white paper, EPR Unpacked: A Policy Framework for a Circular Economy, we explore the elements necessary to support its implementation, and much more. This paper also serves as a guide for policymakers designing or developing EPR schemes, offering a multi-dimensional perspective and practical insights to help achieve the best results.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Spanish (Caja de Herramientas REP)

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | Spanish |
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. It contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.
read moreReducing Resource Extraction and Use: Producer Responsibility for the Circular Economy

Publisher: | Zero Waste Scotland |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
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The report proposes an innovative policy solution to address the impacts of products on climate change, pollution, biodiversity and social inequity – all of which are driven by overconsumption. This report builds on traditional extended producer responsibility (EPR) policy, which focuses on end-of-life waste management, to better incentivise producers to minimise material use and move towards a more circular economy.
read moreUnraveling the Complexity of Extended Producer Responsibility Policy Mix Design, Implementation, and Transfer Dynamics in the European Union

Publisher: | Pruess, Jakob T. (in: Journal of Industrial Ecology) |
Region: | Europe |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
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Extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging was introduced to achieve closed-loop end-of-life management and design for recyclability and is an integral part of the European Union's (EU) environmental policy mix. This article links previously isolated components of EPR and studies the design, implementation, and transfer of EPR systems in 25 European countries through a developmental approach. It extends EPR theory by systematizing EPR design features at three hierarchical levels: system scope, responsibility allocation, and instrument type.
read moreWhy are Biobased and Biodegradable Plastic not Part of the Solution to Reduce Plastic Waste?

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ - Löw, Clara; Prakash, Siddharth; Stuber-Rousselle, Kevin |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English, Bahasa, Thai |
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. In a dilemma between ecological perspectives on single-use plastic and the convenience that this type of plastic packaging offers, biobased and biodegradable plastic have been discussed as an alternative to fossil-based plastics for quite some time. Environmental benefits are often attributed to biobased and biodegradable plastic because “bio” is understood to mean “environmentally friendly”. This report assesses and analyses the substitution of conventional plastic with biodegradable or biobased plastic.
read morePricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam

Publisher: | The Circulate Initiative |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
Recycled plastics markets in India and Southeast Asia face multiple demand- and supply-linked bottlenecks along the value chain, including a lack of transparency in the pricing of plastic waste feedstock and recycled plastics. The report “Pricing Transparency in the Recycled Plastics Supply Chain in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam” and the accompanying Recycled Plastics Policy and Pricing Tool aim to address this issue. The resources available on this page focus on the domestic plastic recycling pricing dynamics in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam
read moreMaterial Choices for Environment-Friendly Packaging Design

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ - Stuber-Rousselle, Kevin; Prakash, Siddharth; Löw, Clara |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English, Bahasa, Thai |
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This report is based on a literature review of several LCA studies conducted to analyze the environmental impact of different packaging materials and alternatives, focusing on five packaging applications: shopping bags, beverage containers, beverage cups, take-away food packaging and meat packaging. This report is not based on own LCA modelling, but rather synthesizes the information and results generated in a number of LCA studies.
read moreDesign-for-Recycling (D4R) – State of Play

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ; |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English, Bahasa, Thai |
Format: | Website |
The transition towards circular economy includes the rethinking of product design to include considerations for end-of-life treatment and recyclability. As a means to steer the behaviour at the end-of-life in an early stage of the product’s life, the design phase, various initiatives have developed design-for-recycling guidelines for specific polymers and plastic applications.
read moreDesign for Recycling (D4R) Guidelines for Prioritised Plastic Packaging in Indonesia

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ - Moh. Nurhadi; S.T.; M.Ling; Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Widianarko; Maya Virdayanti Anggraini, S.T.; Kristanto Irawan Putra |
Region: | Indonesia |
Year: | 2023 |
Language: | English |
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the programme of ‘Collaborative Actions for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia’ (CAP SEA) intends to develop guidelines for design for recycling (D4R) for three selected groups of plastic packaging in Indonesia. The guidelines aim to enable relevant stakeholders to consider a recycled-friendly packaging design, starting with developing potential D4R criteria for three-priority packaging.
read moreConsiderations for Packaging Classification

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ - Michalscheck, Mirja; Löw, Clara; Manhart, Andreas; Prakash, Siddharth |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English, Bahasa, Thai |
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Globally, packaging waste has increasingly become an environmental problem. The problem is the large volume, the high resource intensity in production, the low recycling and recovery rates and the extent of litter caused by packaging. But packaging is, of course, not meant to be a ‘waste’. In the first place, it has important functions and is very useful e.g. for product transport, storage and for consumer information. Primarily, packaging is made up of valuable resources and does not have to reach its end-of life after a single use.
read moreEPR Country Report Chile

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | South America |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
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This country report focuses on the development of a legal framework for an EPR system for packaging in Chile.
read moreEPR Country Report South Africa

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Africa |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
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This report elaborates on the development from a voluntary to a mandatory EPR scheme for packaging in South Africa.
read moreEPR Country Report Republic of Korea

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
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This report presents the Republic of Korea’s EPR system for packaging as an Asian role model.
read moreEPR Country Report Germany

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Europe |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
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This report describes how Germany’s EPR system for packaging waste went from a single PRO to multiple PROs with a register.
read moreEPR Country Report Tunisia

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Africa |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
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This report contains a case study on the state-run ECO-LEF system for managing packaging waste in Tunisia.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Chinese | EPR 工具包

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance / Rethinking Plastics |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | Chinese |
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The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Vietnamese | Bộ công cụ EPR

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance / Rethinking Plastics |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | Vietnamese |
Format: |
The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
read moreRecycled Content in Plastic Material with Focus on PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP

Publisher: | Exportinitiative für Umweltschutz, GIZ - Löw, Clara; Manhart, Andreas; Prakash, Siddharth |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English, Bahasa, Thai |
Format: | Website |
The transition towards circular economy includes the optimisation of manufacturing processes in terms of decrease of primary resource consumption shares but increase of secondary raw material shares. This report presents an overview over some general aspects of recycling, the technical state of the art with respect to (1) recycled plastic content in products, (2) limiting factors, and (3) options for action to boost secondary plastic use in the production process.
read moreIntegration of Plastics Impact Evaluation into ESG Assessments

Publisher: | WWF & Accenture: Laura Rheinbay, Arushi Garg, Friedrich Schäkel (Support) |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
Format: | Website |
The report outlines how relevant plastic performance indicators can be developed and integrated into existing ESG analysis frameworks, taking the companies' position in the value chain, performance on current plastic action, and preparedness for transitioning into accont. It is the first time that a detailed guidance has been provided on how to integrate plastic into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related performance assessment of companies.
read moreReducing Plastic Pollution and Creating a True Circular Economy for Plastics through EPR

Publisher: | WWF, Deloitte Norway |
Region: | Europe |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | English |
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This study starts with an overview of the current organization and performance of EPR schemes for plastic packaging in Norway, followed by details of the current legal framework for these EPR schemes. It continues with providing an overview of EPR schemes for plastic packaging in comparable countries to Norway, highlighting advantages and weaknesses of the different models. It then assesses the efficiency of the current legal framework for EPR for plastic packaging and identifies the barriers that hinder the transition to a true circular economy.
read moreEPR on Plastic Products and Packaging for Industries in Indonesia

Publisher: | WWF Indonesia; WWF Malaysia; South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd. |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
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This report intends to strengthen business readiness, both in the sense of EPR implementation and in the transition towards a more collaborative, fair, and impactful circular waste management system for all involved actors, by reviewing and assessing the current progress of EPR development and circular economy direction in Indonesia. This report also seeks to provide key insights into overcoming barriers encountered by producers and recommendations for identifying opportunities in the upstream and downstream business of establishing a mandatory EPR scheme.
read moreEPR for Single-Use Plastics and Packaging Waste Streams: An Assessment for Kenya

Publisher: | WWF Kenya |
Region: | Africa |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
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Cognisant of pollution as one of the planetary threats to human survival,the Kenyan government is awake to the detrimental impact pollution poses especially from single use plastics and packaging material.In this report, a rationale is drawn between the role of stakeholders in the enactment and implementation of the proposed extended producer responsibility regulations in Kenya.The report further suggests alignment and compliance to existing environmental laws and legal frameworks in Kenya taking into considerations the role of the informal sector at the downstream interventions for waste management.
read moreEPR for Plastic Packaging in South Africa - A Synthesis Report on Policy Recommendations

Publisher: | WWF South Africa; Arp, Reinhardt |
Region: | Africa |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
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This research was undertaken to accelerate and support the transition to a circular plastics economy in South Africa by providing recommendations for a mandatory EPR policy for plastic packaging to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) who has the regulatory mandate in South Africa. While the DFFE-led EPR regulation process deals with packaging more broadly, this project focused specifically on plastic packaging.
read moreCurrent Situation and Solutions to Promote Plastic Waste Recycling in Viet Nam

Publisher: | WWF, The Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
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The study “Research and investigation on recycling situation and recommendation on measures to accelerate plastic waste recycling in Viet Nam“ was implemented in 2022 with the aim of supporting and promoting policy enforcement, knowledge sharing, and exchange of experiences on EPR. The research has indicated opportunities on current policy, domestic potential in consumption and recycling capacity, technology as well as corresponding challenges for plastic recycling in Viet Nam.
read moreReadiness of SMEs in the Plastics Industry in Implementation of EPR in Viet Nam

Publisher: | WWF, The Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPRONRE) |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
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In collaboration with WWF-Viet Nam, through the project "Mitigating marine plastic debris in Viet Nam" and to assist MONRE in development of the draft Decree, ISPONRE conducted a research on SMEs in the plastic industry about their readiness to comply with regulations on EPR. The study evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of SMEs that are manufacturing and importing, using packaging and recycling plastic in the country in the context of the soon-to-be-implemented EPR regulations.
read moreAssessment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Plastic Packaging Waste in Viet Nam

Publisher: | WWF; Löhle, S.; Brinkmann, J.; Wagner, J.; Le, H.A. |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
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Viet Nam’s plastic consumption is growing by double-digit numbers annually (16% to 18% per year from 2010 to 2015). Despite tangible improvements, significant volumes of plastic remain uncollected and are burned openly or littered into the environment, damaging the terrestrial and marine environment. The report “Assessment of Extended Producer Responsibility for plastic packaging waste in Viet Nam" provides findings meant to inform policy makers and relevant stakeholders engaging in Viet Nam’s transition towards a more sustainable waste management.
read moreDeposit-Refund Systems and the Interplay with Additional Mandatory EPR Policies

Publisher: | OECD: Laubinger, Frithjof; Brown, Andrew; Dubois, Maarten; Börkey, Peter |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | English |
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The interplay of a Deposit Refund Systems (DRS) and other mandatory EPR policy instruments can lead to synergies, as it can improve the quality and quantity of recycling, enable reuse systems and incentivise eco-design. This report identifies key insights that can guide the design and implementation of a DRS and its role in a broader policy mix including other mandatory EPR policies.
read moreModulated fees for EPR schemes

Publisher: | OECD: Laubinger, Frithjof; Brown, Andrew; Dubois, Maarten; Börkey, Peter |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2021 |
Language: | English |
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Fee modulation, changing fees paid by producers in a collective EPR scheme based on product design, can provide producers with stronger design incentives, but adds complexity to the system. The paper defines a classification for fee modulation (by criteria and methodology) and discusses potential challenges and opportunities. It concludes with key policy insights that can further stimulate this emerging policy approach.
read moreEPR and the Impact of Online Sales

Publisher: | Hilton, Mark; Sherrington, Chris; McCarthy, Andrew; Börkey, Peter (OECD) |
Region: | Global |
Year: | 2019 |
Language: | English |
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Extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems aim to make producers responsible for the environmental impacts of their products throughout the product chain, from design to the end-of-life phase. This report focuses on free-riding of producers or retailers, which the fast expansion of online sales in recent years has been exacerbating. These sellers often have no physical, legal entity in the country where the consumer resides, and are not registered with national or local EPR schemes.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Thai | ชุดเครื่องมือ EPR

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance / Rethinking Plastics |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2022 |
Language: | Thai |
Format: |
The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
read moreEPR Toolbox in Bahasa Indonesia

Publisher: | PREVENT Waste Alliance |
Region: | Asia |
Year: | 2020 |
Language: | Bahasa Indonesia |
Format: |
The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide.
read more